Keep Calm
End Your Phone Call

Review these scam caller warning signs:
- Very persistent and or abusive.
- The call was unsolicited.
- Claimed to be from a large organisation.
- Claimed they needed to help you via Remote Access.
If any of the above apply, do not answer the phone when they try to call you back.
bSafe is designed to keep scammers from accessing your PC and prevent damage, financial or otherwise.
Now take a moment to reflect on the recent phone call and ask yourself if you have provided any personal or financial information to the caller. If you have then please take immediate action by contacting your financial institute in question and advising them. If you have provided any sensitive personal information it may be prudent to contact your local police and make some kind of report/statement regarding the incident.
Where to get help?
Please refer to the ACCC’s Scamwatch website (Australia only) or your local relevant body for further assistance.
For any non-urgent trouble please contact us via email.